Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I finally downloaded all the pictures from Caryn's memorial to my computer so I can email them out. I miss Caryn. At the strangest times I will feel an overwhelming sadness and cry. It's not as if I am trying to think of Caryn, but some odd moment will spark a memory and the tears will start to leak. I wonder if there is a time frame known for when the sharp pain of missing turns into a dull ache?

When Geoff and I were engaged and the Fletcher crew descended on California for the wedding, Caryn and I went for a walk alone. She ask me why God would let something so bad happen to her. The only answer I had for her was free agency. People could choose to do things even if they hurt other people. It sounded like a pretty lame reason at the time. Caryn always lived her life hurting no one even though she could have chosen differently.

Here are a few picture I think she would have enjoyed.

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Stephanie said...

I miss her too. I know she is in a happier place and she is with Grandma Mac.

Meaghan said...

I find myself crying a lot too. I miss her so much. Sometimes it still doesn't feel real. I just can't imagine life without her.