Sunday, March 2, 2008

Girl's Camp

I was asked last Sunday to be the Stake Girls' Camp Director. EEK!! I had to plan a Laurel Retreat in less than one week--we are camping this coming Friday. I loved Girl's Camp as a kid, but being in charge is another thing. I will really have to rely on the Lord for this one!


Meaghan said...

WOW! Good luck!

Stephanie said...

Good luch with girls camp. The basement is looking good.

The Dumas Family said...

I can't believe you didn't tell me that today - holy cow! I feel bad for you....I mean I'm excited for you :0) What a calling. You'll do great, you're organized. I'm glad it's you instead of me HAHAHA! The basement looks great -I am so excited for your family!

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