Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Basement

Saturday February 9th we had a contractor come out to ook at our basement and give us a bid on finishing it. He gave us a bid and said his crew was busy in March and he could start next Wednesday February 13th. Well, they started and the projected finish date is Iain's birthday--April 13th. The house has been extra cold, very dusty and one morning we even had no hot water. We have lived in this house for almost 4 years and have said we need to finish the basement and now we are finally doing it. I am very excited for it to be done.

Day One

They tore up the floor in one corner of the basement to put in the plumbing for the new bathroom as well as framed part of the house.

New bathroom.

This space will be where the computers go.

This space is where the new master bedroom will go. Note space in framing
where new window will be cut out.

The TV will be put against the framed wall.

Day Two

They finished framing the bedroom and laid the pluming in the torn up section.

This is where the new bathroom will be. Shower against the back wall, toilet in the
middle and sink closest to the door.

A small closet for the new water heater

Door to the Master bedroom.

This is where the washer and dryer will go.

Day Three
They cut a huge whole in the side of our house for a window and dug up our front lawn (which was really only dirt to begin with).

Picture of window taken from the outside.

Huge dirt pile on the front lawn.